Great Lost Projects

Just a short post this, to let you know that I've started to add a few 'should have been written' things I've been involved with during my time as a writer. The reason that they're lost is not because I'm embarrassed, but more because I either didn't save them properly on some ancient PC, or I lost them in a fire about a decade ago. I'm not making that up - perhaps the only comparison my own archive has with the lost library at Alexandria!

So I don't have any extant writing from these projects, but remembering them and describing their context makes me smile. I'm sure we all have a few fond memories knocking around, but thankfully I can look back on these with a fair bit of affection.

You can find these projects on the right under the banner Great Lost Projects, and I'll add to it occasionally. If there's enough demand, I may go back to them one day in my comfortable retirement. Enjoy!


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