Three Princes - An Appraisal of a Funky Film Career

When Prince passed away in 2016 it was a sad end to what had been an interesting life. The details of what killed him aren’t clear , but for the man who created the purring come-on of ‘ Gett Off ’ to be discovered collapsed in a lift is ignominious to say the least. It took me a long time to get around to Prince. I’m not particularly enthusiastic about funk, and his cavortings always seemed faintly ridiculous for a man of his physical stature. But even though his imperial period had long since passed by the time I recognised he was a genius, it was still a huge ambition of mine to see him live. There was opportunity, should I have been arsed enough, to see him during his O2 residency in 2007, but I guess I thought he’d go on forever, like an icon does. But then David Bowie died , England lost to Iceland and Brexit happened. 2016 was a shitshow , and it took Prince Rogers Nelson away on a purple ebb tide. For the last year I’ve overdosed on music. I’ve been doing a lot of ed...