
I started my writing career proper at university. I’d always written little bits – you can’t be surrounded by books all your life and not have your imagination fired – but I’d never thought of being published. These things didn’t happen, not to normal people like me. Writers all lived somewhere else in a big block of flats and had been writing all their lives.

The reason I got into writing was because I was going to a gig. Now, I went to loads of gigs at university, but I seem to recall I was going to see the Manics on my own dime and wanted to know if the university paper, the Ripple, wanted a review. Nobody I knew read the university paper. They seemed to pile them up outside the union bar (the Redfearn), where they stood ignored for about a month before being binned. I didn’t even know where the Ripple offices were when I went to make an offer, and had to get one of the cleaners to point it out.

The office was organised chaos. I was directed to a very tall blonde girl called Lucy who, if she wasn’t part of Great Britain’s Olympic hockey team in 2012 I’ll be amazed, and who turned out to be the co-editor of the music section. She heard my offer, and then shot back with her own – did I fancy being interviewed for her position?

It was one of those sliding doors moments: we get to recognise few of them in life. So I said yes, and her, Allie and the newspaper’s editor Liz took me up to the bar to interview me then and there. I babbled incoherently (I recall strongly responding to one of their queries with a long-winded stream of nothing and then ‘So, to answer your question, I don’t know). I left the Redfearn, in a daze, and took a call that my best friend had fallen down a flight of stairs and was in hospital. About an hour later, I took another call from Lucy offering me the editor’s gig.

So that’s how I became a writer, and it was bloody ace. Well, writing about music should be, shouldn’t it? Hence why I did it on and off for about a decade, before being paid in CDs wasn’t as good at age thirty as it was at age twenty-one. So here are some links to things I’ve done – not everything, because some of it is crap (the Ripple stuff is largely execrable) and you won’t recognise stuff from the turn of the Millennium anyway – but enough to show you what I was about.

SINGLE REVIEWS (first two for Ripple, the rest for various websites)

MISC ARTICLES (The Message all appeared in Ripple, the other article either appeared on or was unused for a regular site I was published on called Tasty Fanzine. If you're reading Shane, hello!)

The Message 1
The Message 3
The Message 7
Ten Reasons I Love Kraftwerk


Leathered/Shot Down on the Pavement


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