The Domino State - 'What's The Question'

The Domino State

‘What’s The Question’

British music is replete with bands that come out with one storming single or album, and then fail to build on their early promise. They stand there, spellbound in the red lights of their contemporaries as they speed off towards chart success and critical acclaim. Sometimes it’s justified, and at other times you’re left scratching your head as if the world’s took a collective course of shock therapy and you were out taking a slash.

The Domino State don’t need to worry about this, although I was concerned that following up debut single ‘Iron Mask’ with anything half as decent would be as easy as a one-legged squirrel trying to balance its nuts on a washing line. However, in time honoured fashion, they’ve done it again, and ‘What’s The Question’ is a stormer, albeit in a different vein to their first efforts.

Musically replete with the same soundscapes and span as Echo and the Bunnymen, ‘What’s The Question’ shows that The Domino State will have no problem scaling the heights of big arenas when they get the chance, and if there is any justice it’ll be them staging impromptu concerts on the roofs of downtown LA rather than a bunch of whinging old rockers on their ninety-seventh album.

The music itself is like the aforementioned Bunnymen staging a fist-fight with a drunken Ian Curtis, and how we need out icons these days. Thing is, unlike their sonic bedmates, The Domino State need huge vistas like the rest of us need oxygen, and unless they do something moronic like cover something written by Pete Waterman as a major label debut, the world is theirs, and everything in it.


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