Alex Cornish - Until The Traffic Stops

Alex Cornish

Until The Traffic Stops

In the absence of any discernible musical talent, the dream for any music critic, especially at fanzine level, is to find that most elusive of things, which is an artist nobody else has heard about so you can proclaim them from the rooftops triumphantly. After years of searching and false starts, I’ve found him. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Alex Cornish – the man I’m putting my money on to be bloody huge.

I’ve no idea what he looks like. He could be ninety stone with a massive bushy beard with sparrows living in it, but I don’t think that would matter, because his debut album Until The Traffic Stops is brilliant. There’s a depth and clarity unexpected beyond the stark black cover of his record, but it’s a perfect companion to see you through autumn and winter. The songs wrap themselves around you like a blanket, but that’s not to say it’s one of those cosy records that are so easy to dismiss. There’s a cynicism and biting wit you’d expect from someone who’s been messed about by the industry before, and new single ‘My Word What A Mess’ brilliantly dissects past disappointments.

I’m not kidding; there are moments in the tracks that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up in appreciation. There’s a difference, I think, between being a performer and being a songwriter, and Cornish has made an album that stands up to the tightest musical scrutiny. It’s difficult to believe that such a beautiful, orchestral sound could be created in Alex’s bedroom and a small studio. It boggles the mind why this lad isn’t already massive.

It’s an emotional record. At first, I was worried I’d be disappointed because his previous singles had been excellent, and most of the time, subsequent albums go on to be full of filler. Not a bit of it. The second emotion was delight, because it’s a complete, concrete triumph. The final emotion I felt when ‘Untied’ finished its eight minutes was sadness – soon, Alex won’t need fanzines to review his records because he’s going to be a star. What a fantastic leaving present, though.

Blokes don’t deal in emotion, just facts, so I’ll state them. Alex Cornish has created one of the best albums I’ve ever heard. You can repeat that millions of times and I’ll stand by it, because it’s true. Absolutely stunning.


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